The Importance of Tree Mitigation
It’s Wildfire Season ... Protect Your Home!
Clear your property and bring your tree debris to the Jefferson County Slash Collection!
What is Slash?
Slash is debris, from nature, such as tree limbs, prunings and pine needles. If not removed, slash can add to potential fire hazards on your property. The importance of mitigating and preparing your property for wildfire cannot be overstated - and again this year, Jefferson County is your partner in this effort.
The Importance of Mitigation
Removing slash and creating a defensible space around your home, is the first line of defense against wildfires. You can create zones around your home, removing any fire fuels, such as tree debris. Having a properly mitigated property doesn’t mean that wildfire will pass you by, but it gives the fire department a better opportunity to save your home when it does come. Great tips on how to protect your home and property can be found on the Jeffco Sheriff’s hazard mitigation page and at Fire Wise website.
What is Accepted?
- Slash - limbs, branches and tree debris
Maximum length - 8 feet
Maximum diameter - 6 inches - Pine needles, tree bark and pine cones, bagged or unbagged
- In addition, leaves accepted at the Thunder Valley Park location only
What is Not Accepted?
- Construction material and lumber
- Household trash
- Metal material of any kind
- Rocks
- Tree stumps
- Yard waste / grass clippings
Fees for Slash Drop-off
Any size truck or trailer is welcome at Jefferson County Slash Collection sites. Dump fees are based on six cubic yards (162 cubic feet) of material: six yards is one load. The cost to drop off a single "load" is $20. Credit cards only. This is equivalent to:
- Truck bed full to truck cab height
- Trailer up to eight feet long by five feet wide by four feet high
- Loads outside these parameters will be charged accordingly.
Calculate Cost
Here is an example to know how to figure your cost:
- A 16 foot long trailer that is five feet wide and stacked four feet tall with tree branches
- 16 feet by 5 feet by 4 feet equals 320 cubic feet
- 320 cubic feet divided by 162 cubic feet (six yards) = 1.98 "loads"
- Each load is $20
- So, rounded off, this example trailer will cost $40 to drop at a Jeffco Slash Collection site
The fees that are charged help to offset the cost for the processing equipment, staffing and keeping the program sustainable so it can continue into future years.
Jefferson County -
Clear Creek County - No information available
Park County -
~Jefferson County
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