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Locations at Buchanan & Buffalo Park


Evergreen's Community Gardens

Dana Bossert

Coming from a hard-working Midwestern family, I've grown up with a strong work ethic and strong family values...

Coming from a hard-working Midwestern family, I've grown up with a strong work ethic and strong family values...

Mar 27 4 minutes read

The Evergreen Sustainability Alliance has worked with key stakeholders in the Evergreen community to build two community gardens at Buchanan Park and Buffalo Park. This incredible, collaborative effort has provided residents with sustainable gardening options, brought joy to our community, and served as a teaching tool for young students.

The creation of community gardens yields benefits far beyond their yield in vegetables. Community gardens serve to beautify neighborhoods; enhance community engagement; provide nutrition; engage youth; connect people with nature; and a bounty of other benefits.

Read more on our blog about both the Buchanan Park and Buffalo Park community gardens, and how these projects were developed with the input, vision, and expertise of out community.

Please Note: There is currently a wait list for both of the gardens. Contact us if you would like to be placed on the wait list.

The Evergreen Community Garden at Buchanan Park

In 2013, Evergreen Park & Recreation District approved the creation of a community garden in Buchanan Park, in a very small plot that had been used for storage near the ball fields and Buchanan Recreation Center. The garden was completed with funding from Great Outdoors Colorado, as well as with the help of smaller grants from the Colorado Home and Garden Show and the Evergreen Rotary.

Buchanan Park Community Garden


With this garden, Evergreen joins our neighbor communities such as Genesee, Idaho Springs, Kittredge, and 18,000+ other communities across the U.S., offering residents a place to grow that’s protected from wildlife and doesn’t violate HOA constraints on fencing or gardens….and is a beautiful space to grow, or just to stroll by and admire the handiwork of our neighbors and friends.

The garden is located just west of Bergen Parkway, approximately 1/4 mile north of the Buchanan Recreation Center.

The garden plots have been fully subscribed every year since the garden opened, and gardeners report a high degree of satisfaction with the garden. Based on an annual survey of the Buchanan Park Community gardeners, in addition to gaining new gardening skills, the gardeners report:

  • an increased sensitivity to our fragile environment (94% survey respondents)
  • increased involvement in our community (88% respondents)
  • and more time spent outdoors (81%).

Sustainable Agriculture

Plot sizes in this all-organic garden include smaller 5′ x 16′ beds, larger 10′ x 16′ beds, and 5′ x 16′ raised beds.

All plots are full for the upcoming growing season, but a wait list is maintained. Contact us to join the wait list for a plot.

Buffalo Park Community Garden

Buffalo Park Community Garden

To date, the Evergreen Sustainability Alliance is proud to have been involved in the conception, design, funding, and construction of two community gardens in the mountain area: the Evergreen Community Garden at Buchanan Park and, now, the Buffalo Park Community Garden.

The Buffalo Park Community Garden celebrated its first harvest in 2016. This Community Garden is located on Wilmot Elementary School property and is shared between Wilmot, Evergreen High School, and resident gardeners. High School and grade school teachers are actively utilizing their garden plots for a variety of science-based curriculum as well as inspiration for writing, art, and mathematics classes.

All plots are full for the upcoming growing season, but a wait list is maintained. Contact us to join the wait list for a plot.

CONTACT Evergreen Alliance for Sustainability to join the wait list.

~Evergreen Sustainability Alliance

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