Go Vote Colorado!
Register to vote
Do you have a valid Social Security Number (SSN), Colorado Driver’s License, or Colorado ID card?
View or update my voter record
- What do you want to do? (Get help)
Track or cure your ballot
- Acceptable forms of ID
- Election information
- Fighting election disinformation
- Information for displaced voters
- Military & overseas voters
- Accessibility resources
- Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- Language assistance hotline FAQs
- Ballot issue information booklet (Blue Book)
Get involved
- "I Voted" digital sticker contest
- Contact my county clerk
- Colorado campus voting challenge
- High School voter registration challenge
- Become an election judge or student election judge
- Vote in honor of a veteran
Colorado's election workers - your friends and neighbors
Sign up to receive Voter Information Email Updateshttps://www.sos.state.co.us/
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