Jefferson County Moves To Level Blue On The COVID19 Dial
Jefferson County is set to shift to Level Blue on Friday, February 26th. Here's what that means.
Jefferson County is moving to 'Level Blue' on the state's COVID-19 Dial, public health officials announced Thursday. The county is set to make the shift at 6 a.m. Friday.
The announcement was made after coronavirus rates continue to fall in the county. Between Feb. 17 and Feb. 23, 531 new cases of the coronavirus were reported in Jeffco — around 91.1 per 100,000 residents, according to Jefferson County Public Health. Hospitalizations have also decreased, the agency said.
Under Level Blue, restrictions will ease further, with higher capacity limits on restaurants, gyms, group sports, indoor and outdoor events, manufacturing and other businesses:
"Working hard to stay safe and continuing to follow precautions is how we have come this far. While the move to Level Blue is a positive step, and one we can all feel hopeful about, if we don't continue to operate cautiously we could quickly lose the ground we have gained," said Dawn Comstock, Executive Director of Jeffco Public Health.
"The virus is still out there and we still need to take steps to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community. We should look at Level Blue not as a 'free for all,' but rather a step in the right direction."
Once under Level Blue, all Jefferson County businesses can operate under those requirements. Those who are certified under the Five-Star Certification Program will also be operating at Level Blue, public health officials said.
"JCPH applauds those businesses that have become Five-Star certified by demonstrating their commitment to COVID prevention," Comstock said.
"These businesses have shown they are dedicated to the safety of their customers. I appreciate their efforts and hope our Jeffco community will join me in thanking them."
The state certification program allows businesses to operate one level below their county's level; however, until more people are vaccinated, Jeffco businesses will not yet be permitted to operate under Level Green.
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