Lookout Mountain Road Study
Purpose of the Study
This is an iconic destination that provides access to local communities, open spaces, historical sites, trails, stunning views of the front range, and lots of recreation opportunities. This roadway serves various users, from bicyclists and pedestrians to motorists, motorcyclists, and the occasional hang glider. It is important that this road is safe for all users who enjoy it. Therefore, the county is seeking design recommendations to improve functionality and safety for all users.
Get Involved
The project team wants to hear from you! Take this quick survey to share how you use the road, your experiences, and ideas to improve the safety and functionality of Lookout Mountain Road.
Study Details
The corridor being studied is approximately 4.1 miles long. The study will address:
- Traffic Operations
- Conflict Elimination
- Bicyclist Comfort
- Bicyclist Safety
- Vehicular Safety
Project Timeline
- In Progress: Data collection and analysis
- February through March 2024: Public and stakeholder feedback
- March through April 2024: Draft design recommendations
- May through June 2024: Public and stakeholder feedback
- June through July 2024: Refine design recommendations
- August through September 2024: Final designs
For Questions:
Your feedback is valuable in the decision-making process. For questions, please email Christina Lane. Thank you for your interest in this project!
Lookout Mountain Proposed Nighttime Vehicle Access Management Project
The Lookout Mountain Road Study is separate from the Lookout Mountain Proposed Nighttime Vehicle Access Management Project. The vehicle access management project is led by Jefferson County Open Space in close partnership with the Sheriff's office and other key stakeholders. The roadway study will carefully coordinate with this project. Learn more on Open Space's project page.
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