The Elephant Butte Fire
Evergreen Fire Rescue IS AMAZING! Not just during (but especially during!) the Elephant Butte Fire, but always. This hard-working group of men and women protect Evergreen and our surrounding communities on a daily basis. All of us say thank you and want to show our appreciation. EFR had some suggestions how we can do just that:
Thank you to all for the generous offers and donations during the #ElephantButteFire. EFR is so grateful for all the community members and businesses support along with the neighboring fire, sheriffs, county and state agencies.
Still want to help EFR? Here are three ideas:
1. Sign up for CodeRed to get those reverse 911 calls for evacuation. The link is on the homepage of Jefferson County. The Clear Creek County CodeRed link is on their sheriff's department website.
2. Register for Community Connect so we can preplan if we have to come to your house. This lets us know there is someone in the house that needs our help, that pets are there, where electrical, water, and gas shutoffs are located. The link to this is under Take Charge of Your Safety in the posts on the homepage. or
3. Harden and Mitigate your own property to give us a fighting chance to defend against a wildfire. Work with your neighbors or HOA to start a new CWPIP group or schedule days for the fuels crew to come chip the neighborhood. The best link for this would be
Thank you so much for supporting EFR
~Evergreen Fire Rescue
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