Wild Aware
Have you noticed the signs along Highway 74 in Evergreen asking you to scan the roadside for elk? You can thank Wild Aware, Evergreen's newest wildlife advocacy organization. This small but mighty group of passionate volunteers has accomplished a great deal since forming in December of 2019. Created to help reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions on Highway 74, found Christie Greene and her volunteer collaborated with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Colorado Parks and Wildlife to place those program-able signs. Wildlife-vehicle collisions in Colorado average 3,300 a year, and Evergreen Parkway between Lewis Ridge Road and Hilltop is a perennial hot spot. Wild Aware has expanded their mission and works with many state and local wildlife agencies, law enforcement and nonprofits on a myriad of efforts. This includes working with CDOT to install a drainage grate at an Evergreen culvert after a fawn was trapped and died, and starting Wildlife Watch, a collaborative effort with Denver Parks and Recreation and Evergreen Audubon to share wildlife and educational materials with visitors to Evergreen Lake.
Wild Aware can use your help, from volunteering to simply understanding and promoting good habits that keep wildlife in our community safe, and free to be wild. Go to WildAwareColorado.com for information and resources, or to subscribe to their newsletter. Evergreen wildlife makes this community a very special place to live. Thank you, Wild Aware, for encouraging and supporting the healthy, safe and rewarding co-existence between humans and wildlife.
Wildlife Emergency?
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office (303) 291-7227
Monday-Friday 8am - 5pm
Nights or weekends, call Colorado State Patrol *277 or *CSP
911 for people-related emergencies
~Life Above 7000 Magazine
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