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Worried About Soaring Energy Prices?

Matt Bachus

I'm from the Midwest where a strong work ethic was important and, just like in Colorado, the people are down to earth and friendly...

I'm from the Midwest where a strong work ethic was important and, just like in Colorado, the people are down to earth and friendly...

Jun 30 5 minutes read

Work with an energy professional to find ways to save on energy costs in your home

Core Electric

Energy use often goes up during winter months, but not just because your furnace or other heating system is getting more use. Patterns in your energy use, the types of electrical appliances and devices you operate, and the effectiveness of your home’s insulation are among the many other factors that can generate an unexpectedly high electric bill.

IREA offers free energy audits to customers interested in potentially reducing their monthly bills. Our energy efficiency expert will gather important data on your home’s heating system and use thermal imaging equipment to identify cold spots. We then provide you recommendations for increasing energy efficiency within your home, many of which have little or no cost.

You can schedule your free energy audit by visiting, where you will also find energy efficiency tips to follow both before and after your free audit.

XCel Energy

Home Energy Squad Virtual Visit Home Assessment $0.00

Using a smart device such as a cellphone or tablet, our Home Energy Squad technicians will guide you through your home to identify key opportunities for efficiency improvement and energy-saving measures to be installed. We can even deliver a FREE, customized kit of energy-saving items to your home for DIY installation.

During the virtual visit, we may find that you could benefit from additional energy-saving products and services that we can provide during a later in-home visit.

This virtual visit includes:

  • Direct interaction with our technician to identify potential improvements
  • NO COST energy-saving items delivered to your home for DIY installation
  • Virtual installation support
  • Safe and reliable service from local experts
  • Follow-up virtual visit to confirm installations and help you plan next steps

Price: FREE. As an added bonus, earn $25 by installing your DIY items and completing the short follow-up virtual visit with our technicians. We will send you a $25 gift card as a thank-you for allowing us to verify your installed items during the follow-up visit.


Home Energy Squad Visit Home Assessment $50.00

For just $50, the Home Energy Squad will come to your home and make it more efficient for you. We'll do things like swap out traditional bulbs for LEDs, install a thermostat for eligible customers, weather-strip one drafty door, and install energy-efficient showerheads and faucet aerators. Installation, labor and materials are free – a $200 value.

This visit offers professional installation of energy-saving equipment that may include: 

  • LED bulbs
  • Weather-stripping for one external wooden door
  • Energy-efficient showerheads
  • Kitchen and bathroom faucet aerators
  • Water heater temperature check
  • Smart Thermostat with AC Rewards enrollment for eligible customers

 Additional items are available for purchase during your visit, including:

  • Smart thermostats
  • Weather-stripping for additional external doors


Home Energy Squad Plus Visit Home Assessment $150.00

For just $150, the Home Energy Squad will come to your home and make it more efficient for you. They’ll do everything included in a standard Squad visit, plus conduct a full Energy Audit of your home. Installation, labor and materials are free – a $600 value.

This visit includes everything in the Home Energy Squad Visit, plus:

  • Inspection of home exterior, insulation and mechanical systems
  • Air leak analysis with a Blower-Door diagnostic test
  • Combustion safety test
  • Carbon monoxide check
  • Infrared imaging and analysis
  • Full summary report with findings and recommendations;

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