The Realtors on Tupper’s Team know absolutely everything about Evergreen and Conifer real estate, and are ready to provide you with all the information you need, whether that means helping you find a home for sale in Conifer or directing you to the nearest local grocery store. If you have any questions or need additional information, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

General Evergreen Facts:
- Size – Approximately 150 square miles. Since there are no definite city limits, this is an approximate size.
- Elevation – 7072 feet above sea level at Evergreen Lake & 8270 feet above sea level at Conifer Shopping Center
- Population– Approximately 40,000 people throughout the entire area; 20,000 postal addresses.
- Evergreen Demographics
- Genesee Demographics
- Government – Unincorporated. Jefferson County government in nearby Golden administers, 3 elected County Commissioners.
Commute Times
- Evergreen to Bailey: 38 min/20 mi.
- Evergreen to Boulder: 54 min/39 mi.
- Evergreen to Colorado Springs: 1 hr. 29 min/93 mi.
- Evergreen to Conifer: 20 min/9 mi.
- Evergreen to Downtown Denver: 35 min/28 mi.
- Evergreen to DIA: 75 min/36 mi.
- Evergreen to Denver Tech Center: 50 min/36 mi.
- Evergreen to Rocky Mtn Nat’l Park: 2 hrs/77 mi.
- Summer average temperature: high 70’s to low 80’s
- Winter average temperature: 5 to mid-40’s
- Average days of sunshine: 306 per year (more than Miami or Honolulu)
- Average humidity: below 33%
- Average precipitation: 20 inches annually
- Average snowfall: 90 inches annually
- Summer generally brings sunny days with an occasional afternoon shower. Winter snows are usually brief and followed by warm, sunny days that melt the snow.
- Electricity: Xcel Energy Co or Intermountain Rural Electric Assoc.
- Gas : Natural gas by Xcel Energy Co., Colorado Natural Gas or propane through many local suppliers
- Water/Sewer : Evergreen Metro District or other community districts; private wells and septic tanks are most common outside districts.
Municipal Services
- Police: Jefferson County Sheriff, headquartered in Golden, Colorado
- Fire: Local volunteer fire departments, highly rated
- Medical: Clinics in Bergen Park, Evergreen and Conifer
- Volunteer ambulance/EMT service through area
- Flight for life emergency helicopter based in Denver
- Hospice and elderly care centers in Evergreen
- Newspapers:
- Daily: Denver Post.
- Weekly: Canyon Courier, High Timber Times, Hustler.
- Monthly: Serenity, Mountain Connection
- Radio: All Denver stations are available, unless restricted by the terrain. Cable and/or satellite dish service throughout area.
Voting Requirements
Must be a resident for 32 days in Colorado, 18 years of age, a citizen of the US and a registered voter. You may register at the Motor Vehicle Office in Evergreen.
Motor Vehicle Laws
Colorado license plates and a Colorado driver’s license should be obtained within 30 days after establishing residency. If your current out-of-state license is valid, you need only pass a written exam and eye test.
- Jefferson County Retail sales tax: 4.6% (lower than Denver!)
- Clear Creek County: 3.9%
- Park County: 3.9%
- State income tax: 5% of federal taxable income
- Property tax: 9.74% of appraised value times mil levy, usually results in a tax bill of 1%-1.5% of value of property.
MORE FACTS- 21 Things You Need to Know
- Cost of Living Comparison
- Jefferson County Property Tax
- Jefferson County
- Clear Creek County
- Park County
- History of Evergreen
- Colorado Facts & Trivia
- Climate
- You Know You’re From Colorado If…
| MAPS- Evergreen Map
- Driving Times
- Flight Times from Denver
- Foothills Proximity to Denver
- Fourteener Map
- Front Range
- Colorado Counties
- Open Space/Parkland
- Map to Tupper’s Team (pdf)
Best Source of Information
As always, here at Tupper’s Team we pride ourselves on being the best source of information for anything you want to know about Evergreen and Conifer real estate. Contact us at any time, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.